Q: Why pride?

Because God loves all.

Because the way of Jesus is welcoming and non-exclusionary.

Because the Holy Spirit lives in and through and with all of creation.

For our little corner of the world, we “pride” because Being the Church, Long Beach is working to reconcile with the LGBTQ community.

And that means more than hanging a rainbow flag.

Q: Hmmm … well, what does that mean – “working to reconcile with the LGBTQ community?”

A: Our pastors officiate LGBTQ weddings.

A: Our sanctuaries are open for LGBTQ wedding ceremonies, and our halls host the most fabulous receptions.

A: Our community defines “family” in all the colors of the rainbow. We embrace that today’s family encompasses a diverse portrait, including LGBTQ+ parents, grandparents, blended families, couples, and college students.

A: We try (and I do mean, TRY) to think before we speak, consider before we act. We think about how our words affect others; especially our words and descriptors for “God.” We definitely do not always get this right, and we do not claim to have all the answers.

Being the Church, Long Beach does claim wholeheartedly that we are a work in progress. We make mistakes; we forget names; and we might not get each person’s pronouns correct on the first try. We do seek grace and forgiveness as we work to reconcile, and we also respect that not everyone wants to reconcile with us.

Sometimes … all too frequently … our words are out of sync with our deeds. I do think that goes for most communities, but since we are God’s church, we are called by a higher power to work at that continually.

Q: So, why pride again?

A: We pride because because we have to be the church – with Pride – in Pride – with all of God’s people – in the streets. On Gay Pride, in Gay Pride and with Gay Pride.

God’s Church must be about the manifestation of God’s heart.

And so, we show up with Pride – in Pride – with all of God’s people – in the the streets …. walking, riding, skipping, roller blading, running, jumping, and hula-hooping with bubbles sometimes, even. We hope that our presence in Pride illustrates to and with the world that God’s heart is growing bigger and bigger and bigger, and that heart and God’s church … is for all people.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Pexels.com

PS. Here’s even more nitty-gritty for those who want it: All of the churches that I serve as the Pastor of Community and Connection in Being the Church, Long Beach are “Reconciling Churches.” We are part of a much larger network of United Methodist Churches who “embrace [a] commitment to achieving LGBTQ+ justice and full inclusion in the life and leadership of The United Methodist Church, both in policy and in practice.” This affiliation took conversation, prayer, meetings, more prayer and more conversation … and then more prayer. After that process, churches voted to become an official “Reconciling Congregation.”

There’s more to the process, if you want to know, please let’s grab a coffee and chat more.

Your sibling in Christ,

Rev. Melinda

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